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Gospel of Mark 1: Week #2 Study Questions

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week #2 Study Questions

Healings (Mark 1:29-45; 2:1-22)

1. In the hustle & bustle of a busy life & schedule, Jesus takes time to pray. (Mark 1:35) How’s your prayer life? Is it a priority? Why or why not? How might you take prayer to the next level? Take your answer to that last question & “just do it.”

2. One author stresses the twofold value of the healings in Mark’s Gospel. Sure, there was a physical benefit for the person involved, but there was also a spiritual aspect/ teaching as well. What do you think the spiritual aspect was in the healing of the paralytic? (Mark 2:3-12)

3. After healing the leper, Jesus commands him to not tell a soul about what happened. (Mark 1:43-45) The man doesn’t follow Christ’s instructions. Why do you think that is?

4. Are the types of healings seen in Jesus’ ministry long ago available today? Explain your answer.

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